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International Womxn's Day

By Indica Stephenson

I run the shower until I’m sure the water is hot enough

to loosen the layer of doubts spoiling my skin

and I scrub away the voices of my childhood

that have kept those doubts attached

They say, “little girl, you talk too much”So she spoke less.

But yes, I have a lot to say and I know there are people listening. 

They say, “child! you walk so loud, be quiet.”

So she tiptoed.

But I will walk proudly with purpose. 

You will know when I arrive.

They ask, “why do you laugh so loud?”

So she apologized after every burst of happiness.

But I am no longer sorry for expressing myself when I find enjoyment. 

The happier, the louder. 

They say, “you’re bossy, no one likes a bossy girl.”

So she stopped taking charge and waited to follow.

But I am a leader and I lead with grace. 

They say, “you ask too many questions.”

But I just want to understand why I am being told to be quieter, smaller, less noticeable. 

So I am going to ask the questions everyone else is trying to avoid. 

They say, “such big dreams” and shake their heads.

Who is anyone to determine whether I am capable of achieving my dreams. 

Yes! I have dreams! And they are grand.

When I shut off the water I remain standing 

and let the steam press into me and

smooth out all the times those voices

That  tricked me into reducing myself. 

All of me is here  

I will bring all of me


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